Discover 5 new core values of S-World


Discover 5 new core values of S-World

5 new core values

With an aim to change and get ahead on our journey “into the world” and accomplish our missions, S-World has developed 5 new core values, with new ambitions for the year 2022. So what are these new core values, and why did S-World choose them?

Pioneering to breakthrough!

S-World has chosen PIONEER as one of our new core values, with a view to making a breakthrough in 2022. The value of PIONEERING stemmed from our vision to become “a new generation multimedia company, connecting Vietnam with the world”, while making an effort to become a media company in Vietnam that specializes in new technology in the world, such as Fintech, Crypto, NFT, Edtech, etc.

Having cooperated with large technology companies in the world like Republic – the American fintech company, or Metran – Japan’s leading ventilator manufacturer, and other reputable technology companies and communities.

S-World has helped spread their brand and new technological values in the Vietnamese market, and will continue to pioneer and create new models, generating new values in the future.

core values

Change to breakthrough – Agility makes success

After a year with several challenges that forced us to slow down, S-World has decided to choose “Agility” to be one of its core values in 2022, with an aim to breakthrough and achieve new values.

With an unyielding spirit and an eye for new opportunities, S-World is always trying to stay updated and keep pushing itself forward. That is why AGILITY was chosen to be S-World’s second core value.

AGILITY is embedded right at the moment S-World begins its idea development with its partners, to the planning and execution stages, and continuously adjusting to adapt to a volatile market. AGILITY is also present in the fact that S-World always stays updated on the latest trends of media, such as the development of new social networks and new forms of productions, etc.

But for S-World, AGILITY is intertwined with sustainability and quality. Despite the challenges that it faced over the years, S-World never stopped, and it kept moving on, solving issues that help businesses grow with Talk show Nguy Co.

Additionally, understanding the concerns of the general public in the new normal, S-World worked with Metran Japan to quickly solve these issues through the O-Pro product line, etc.

S-World believes that an unyielding spirit, a pioneering mindset, along with a high awareness and agility will contribute to greater advances in our journey “Into the world”.


Empathize to succeed

After PIONEER and AGILITY, EMPATHY is the next core value that S-World is aiming for in the new year.

Placing ourselves in the story of each client and finding a good direction is what S-World always does in each of our projects. To show our appreciation towards the clients who have placed their trust in us, S-World returns the favor with empathy and sincerity. The S-World team are also advocates for empathy, as this is present in our work motto. Understanding what our teammates want and need is the key to develop and find new ideas. That’s how S-World turned empathy into a core value.

In 2021, when faced with a myriad of difficulties, S-World remained delighted when we were able to aid the community through CSR projects such as, “How are you, friend?”, “Help me”, “Where faith begins”… Understanding our own strong feats as well as being aware of what the community needs during a time of crisis has made S-World incredibly honored to be able to contribute, albeit just a little, in the creation of community projects.

Our team at S-World always places emphasis on emotion in our guests’ stories, in every frame, every video of Talk show Nguy Co. Thanks to that, we were able to fully convey the messages as coherently as possible.

Creativity breeds success

Aside from CELERITY, EMPATHY, S-World always choose CREATIVITY as a goal to pursue. This is also a value that S-World has always been following since the early days of our creation.

Creativity is an essential element, as well as the key that inspires the entire S-World team in projects of different scales. Unique and novel ideas are constantly found, and utilized in the most effective way possible. Combined with a high sensitivity for the latest market trends, S-World creates products that start with out-of-this-world ideas, yet finishes with a familiar feel, and compatibility with what our clients require.

Some of which are various productions such as Talk shows, TVC, 3D Videos, 2D Videos, Documentaries, etc. featuring unique camera work with outstanding footage. Brand stories in both Vietnam and abroad have been effectively communicated. S-World different communications solutions for new technologies like the blockchain, NFTs, edutech, biotech, etc. has made them more accessible for audiences.

Making a difference – Forming the future

With 4 core values, PIONEER – AGILITY – EMPATHY – CREATIVITY, the final core value that S-World would like to share is UNIQUENESS.

S-World has a desire to become “Stronger together”. Therefore, we are always trying our best to form strong connections. Connecting humans with forms of media, companies with reputable organizations, people and the community, is what S-World has always been doing in all of our projects with over 100 Vietnamese media units, as well as 20 media organizations from abroad.

In addition, you can very clearly see the uniqueness in S-World’s projects. Instead of following the trend of short-form videos, S-World co-operated with VnExpress in the production of Talk show Nguy Co. Each episode is about 20-30 minutes long, yet Talk show Nguy Co still manages to stand its own ground, having over 10 million views. In addition, S-World also participates in new industries, exploring new technologies in order to share our values to the community in the most effective way possible.

That’s all of our 5 core values, heading into the new year of 2022. These are the guidelines that would contribute to the spirit and uniqueness of S-World in every project.

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