The webinar series “Linknovate” begins with the story of Vietnamese intellectuals’ journey of innovation.


The webinar series “Linknovate” begins with the story of Vietnamese intellectuals’ journey of innovation.

The new webinar series “Linknovate to The Next Power” from S-World is officially launched

S-World has officially launched a new webinar series, “Linknovate to The Next Power“, a program created to mark S-World’s second anniversary of establishment and continuous development with a connected ecosystem.

The program’s name is a combination of the words Link and Innovate, two concepts that S-World is pursuing to make a name for itself on the media map in Vietnam and around the world. The program focuses on achieving the following objectives: Disseminating success stories of Vietnamese across the globe or foreigners in Vietnam, as well as profound lessons learned on the journey into the “world.” brings viewers a message about the ecosystem by connecting with domestic and foreign typical faces of innovation pioneers.

The program hopes to multiply positive values to the community and direct readers to an ecosystem by covering technology connection, commerce connection, cross-border connection, and generation connection, among others. A connected attitude with innovation is a necessary fuel.


The journey of Vietnamese intellectuals “climbing” to open the way to innovation and creativity.

Mr Nguyen Dinh Quy, R&D Manager at Mitsubishi Electric and Co-founder at VietSearch, and Mr. Luu Vinh Toan, Principal Engineer of NLP at Move Digital AG and CTO at VietSearch, kicked off the Webinar series with the topic “From mountain climbers to bridge builders”.

Two Vietnamese intellectuals shared their desire to elevate the value of Vietnamese innovation through practical projects and technology products and their political journey, using concise keywords “mountain peaks” suggested by the program. 

On May 11, the sharing session took place during the first episode of the S-World webinar series’ “Linknovate to the Next Power.”

Mr. Quy chose three keywords to describe his development journey during the sharing session: “mountain,” “crossing the sea,” and “robot.” After participating in the Olympia program in 2000, he began his journey to conquer the “mountains” of knowledge and expand and connect people and communities.

Nguyen Dinh Quy chose an Oil and Gas Group to develop his skills after finishing his Ph.D. instead of working at a university. After learning how to “cross the tunnel”, he and his team devised a remote control system to avoid risks and minimize costs while travelling to the rig and a remote automatic maintenance system. According to him, this system will also be patentable in the United States in 2021.

Luu Vinh Toan compared his story to “finding an island in a sea of information” rather than crossing the sea to get to the rig. He chose the keyword “information” because this resource is so diverse and rich nowadays that many people get “lost” in it. “An island” is similar to the V-Space platform, which Toan created to help the community build an innovation ecosystem in Vietnam. This platform connects ecosystem components such as advisors, investors, and startups.

VietSearch is one of the projects where the two intellectuals share the same goal, as seen in the program about newly built and conquered “mountains.” According to Mr. Toan, the Vietnamese community is extensive when living and working abroad, even more significant than the population of some countries in the world. However, this community lacks the necessary connections and cohesion to thrive.

This tool was developed with a large amount of event data and expert information in many fields to support information for the Vietnamese community. When focusing on the Vietnamese community and serving Vietnamese people, VietSearch creates a unique feature that is not comparable to today’s popular search engines.

The algorithm, for example, detects whether a Vietnamese name is an innovative point here. Or the Internet information is frequently unstructured, but VietSearch can completely extract the correct information to provide the most expected results,” Toan explained, adding that during the Covid-19 period, VietSearch assisted in finding the accurate information. Vietnamese vaccine experts worldwide are working to find ways to produce vaccines in Vietnam.

“Machines and humans are a reciprocal relationship.”

Technology, machine learning, and robots are essential components of the “climbing” journey. Mr. Quy stated that the development of robots over the last ten years has made interacting with humans more flexible. As with soldering an electrical circuit, the robot can detect the stage of the process and continue to help.

Mr. Toan went on to say that the human-machine relationship is reciprocal. Humans guide and supervise, while machines bring the best values. There are three types of machines: the first is to assist people with more complex tasks, and the second is to automate the robot, which requires programming supervision. The human process is based on the need to select one of three relationships.

Scientists are still researching whether or not the machine has emotions. “For example, one of Google’s new robot-powered technologies is to generate paragraphs and stories rich in images and emotions, just like the writer.” But it’s still not an actual product; it’s just information put in by people,” he explained, adding that the important thing is the connection between people and their surroundings to help with all-natural emotions.

Toan stated that machines could not replace humans but only help people be more creative in their work, citing the example of needing a teacher when there was an automatic program to give math solutions. When technology is thriving in the era of Industry 4.0, this is no longer a concern but rather a shift in mindset.

According to two Vietnamese intellectuals, the more meaningful connection between humans and machines is the connection of language and culture (which machines are unlikely to do well). However, once engines have supported and done an excellent job, people must seek out and develop new things rather than frame or abuse technology and machines.

Until now, Vietnam has been a leader in developing innovative products such as carbon fiber chairs. Some businesses have used robots to improve traditional Vietnamese products like utensils (reaching a world record for a short firing time).

In the future, connect the innovation community and use practice to solve specific Vietnamese people’s problems. That is why Mr. Quy chose “sustainable” to refer to technologies – solutions with a long-term positive impact. Toan added that for Vietnam’s long-term goals to be met, “youth” must be maintained in Vietnamese businesses, always keeping the fire like when starting a business, always keeping the spirit of innovation strong.

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